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Rough Crystal Tip Rainbow Aura

Rough Crystal Tip Rainbow Aura

SKU : 79207

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Raw Rainbow Aura Tip

Approx. 4-5cm

Rainbow Aura is said to enhance meditation, communication, intiution, calm emotions and clarifies life goals.

Believed to allign with higher chakras to achieve the combination of intuition and communication that helps us to speak from the heart and higher mind.

The colours of rainbow aura are as a result of the crystal being forged with titanium under high temperatures and this results in the amazing colours you can see through the crystal.

Raw crystals are just raw. Untouched, untreated, and found just the way you would find them if you were to pull them out from the Earth yourself. Since they are raw, they can be slightly more fragile (especially softer stones) in this state. Many believe that raw stones have more of a pure energy, since they have been untouched and unchanged.

All raw Rainbow Aura tips are unique in their own way, there are no two alike.
You will receive 1 crystal that is similar to the one in the image posted.


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